Blazing (choking on the smoke) a Trail to My Blog

Between 2003 and 2006 I created this blogspot. I just never got around to setting it up. I remember being thrilled with the name for my blog. My family and I had just returned from a vacation which had included visiting the Ingalls homesites at Burr Oak, Iowa, Walnut Grove, Minnesota, and DeSmet, South Dakota. I have been a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan since second grade and I had recently purchased my own "little house," so the name Little House on the Internet seemed appropriate. If Laura Ingalls Wilder were alive today, I know she would have had a blog, so at the end of 2009 I begin my pioneer attempt at blogging!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Stops Along the Road

I added a slide show with some of my travel photos.  I hope you enjoy them. :)

1 comment:

  1. So far, I love it!!! I am hoping to make the Little House in the Big Woods and perhaps a few of the other books that follow it, part of my homeschool program this spring. It fits in well with the history lessons and really makes history come to life!

    The site name is perfet also. Could you please add my website to your 'pioneering sites'? Thanks!!
    Cosmetics may not be from the pioneer days, but Mary Kay was a pioneer in the entreprenurial world
    for women and has been acknowledged as one of 20 businesses that changed the face of the nation in the 20th Century by Forbes.


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