Blazing (choking on the smoke) a Trail to My Blog

Between 2003 and 2006 I created this blogspot. I just never got around to setting it up. I remember being thrilled with the name for my blog. My family and I had just returned from a vacation which had included visiting the Ingalls homesites at Burr Oak, Iowa, Walnut Grove, Minnesota, and DeSmet, South Dakota. I have been a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan since second grade and I had recently purchased my own "little house," so the name Little House on the Internet seemed appropriate. If Laura Ingalls Wilder were alive today, I know she would have had a blog, so at the end of 2009 I begin my pioneer attempt at blogging!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Released Today!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie was released today! I'm looking forward to an evening of watching the movie again and viewing all the special features and extra footage they include with the 2 disc set.  Of course, I'm a Harry Potter fan too! My Mother and I went faithfully to the bookstore at midnight with all the other fans to stand in line and wait to purchase our copy of each book!  We couldn't possibly wait until daylight to purchase it! 

What a shame the series has ended, but we have a couple of movies still to be released.  We go to the midnight showing of the films as well--it's more fun--even if you have to go to work the next day!  All the fans are eagerly discussing the plot and what they think will make it into the movie from the book and if it will be faithful to the book!  Just in case you are debating between the 2 disc set and the standard version, the 2 disc set has footage from The Deathly Hollows on it--that alone was worth the $10 extra dollars!  I called my Mom from the store and she agreed that was the best option for us! :)  They also had the standard release sold in combination with a copy of the Maurauder's Map, but since I'm sure they are not selling the one with the magical features, I decided against it.  You can make your own judgement about that.

My Mom and I backpacked Europe in 2004 and 2006. Most of the photos in Stops Along the Road (in my sidebar) are from those trips.  We went to several Harry Potter film sites while we were there.  I'm including a couple of photos from those sites.  I hope you recognize the sorting steps from Hogwarts (Christ College in Oxford) and Platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross in London.

The quality of the photos is poor, but I think you can tell my Mom was thrilled to be there anyway! :)

 In 2006, we were killing time in the airport bookstore in Amsterdam waiting for our plane to London to be announced,  I noticed a table filled with Harry Potter books.  At first I thought a new book had been released and we had somehow missed it, but it turned out to be the Harry Potter books in Dutch!  It reminded me of the first time I saw a Little House book published in another language.  The drawings were the same, but I couldn't read the words.  I remember thinking at the time that someone else had thought that these books were so good, they had to be published in other languages so children all over the world could read about Laura's childhood.  Before the internet and the global press, Laura Ingalls Wilder's books were published in many different languages--quite an accomplishment for a woman from rural Missouri!

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